How to Order
Minimum Order Surcharge
Our minimum order value is now $100.00. Orders with a value of less than $100.00 will be subject to a surcharge of the difference between the value of your order and $100.00.
Order Products Online
You can purchase products, order samples or request a quotation on all of the great IDL products from our online catalogue. You can easily search using our Product Search box or browse by Product Category & Sub-Category. At the product level, you can easily request a sample of that product. Checkout is quick and simple. Our 4 step secured credit card processing system is quick and easy. If you have an account with IDL you can place your order on account and request a PO.
Our knowledgeable sales staff is always ready to provide you with prompt, friendly service. To place an order, discuss an existing order, or receive more information about our products and services, call us toll-free at 1-877-579-1882 and dial Customer Service.
No custom work of any kind (including cutting to size), can be undertaken, without receipt of your written purchase order.
Email orders are processed daily. Please email your orders to:
Our fax line - (289) 279-1111 - operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Fax new orders or confirmations at any time. For faxes sent after normal business hours (8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) it is advisable to confirm our receipt of your order, via telephone, the next day.